Tuesday 8 October 2013

Tomato's and Knitted Swiss Roll Slices

Another morning of composting and crop collection.

The second composter had a couple of worms in this morning.  At the moment it is acceptable and in good condition.  Hopefully continuous adding on a daily basis will encourage more worms to come and do their job.

Have collected more crops off the tomato plant.

Also, the chilli plants have come into their own and the green chilli's are gradually turning red.

I suspect that within the next couple of days I will have enough chilli's to open freeze and place in small pots.

More fire logs made, and these are worth their weight in gold.  Have tried them in the chiminea and they were brilliant for helping with starting the fire and burnt for quite a few minutes until the charcoal took hold.

Have started on making swiss roll slices.  Four stitches were cast onto 4mm knitting needles using double knit chocolate wool.  Seventy-three rows were knitted and then cast off.

The cream centre was made by casting on four stitches of double knit cream wool onto 4mm knitting needles.  Sixty-seven rows were knitted and then cast off.  

The ends were sewn in and the swiss roll was rolled, with the cream inside. The swiss roll was sewn at the edge and through the the actual slice itself to make sure it held its shape.

The swiss roll slice were fun to make and also very relaxing to do.  

Think they are looking pretty good.

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