Saturday 24 August 2013

Recycling Aluminium Cans

Good day today, after weeks of saving aluminium tins, thought it was time to recycle. 

Tesco Extra, Chichester has a recycling centre and if the Tesco Clubcard is used, it is possible to collect 1 point for every 2 cans deposited. The points can go towards something that not necessarily needed but wanted.  Personally, I use the points towards Christmas.

By reading the information on the cans it is possible to recycle more than you think.  I was able to recycle soft drinks cans, antiperspirant spray cans and air freshner spray cans.

There is nothing more satisfying than throwing into the "recycle munchers" mouth and hearing the metal being shredded and knowing the few minutes of time being used is not only therapeutic but also has a monetary value.

Today I gained an extra 50 Clubcard points. 


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